


How to add/remove Zoom

How to add/remove Zoom

How to add/remove Zoom

Connect Zoom to Eddy

  1. Go to editeddy.com & login

  2. Click the Zoom button in the upload section (top center)

  3. Click the purple “Connect your Zoom account” text to connect your Zoom account

  4. You’ll be directed to Zoom, login with the account that has your recordings

  5. Allow Eddy by Headliner app be added to your Zoom account

  6. The modal on Eddy will now list all of your available recordings

How to use Zoom recordings

  1. Once you’ve connected you’re Zoom account, clicking Zoom button will show you all available recordings

  2. Select your video

  3. Click Upload

  4. Select the the layout/how many speakers

  5. Click Next

  6. Style step - you can now adjust the style of your video - background color/image, speaker name, add logo

  7. Click Save Style

  8. Your video will finish transcribing

  9. Transcript and styled video are ready for export - click export top right

How to disconnect Zoom

  1. Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace

  2. Click Manage >> Added Apps or search for the Eddy by Headliner app

  3. Click the Eddy by Headliner app

  4. Click *Remove